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Pez Outlaw Pez Dispenser |
You can read "The Pez Outlaw" in the April 2015 Playboy.
Steve Glew's adventures make for an outrageous tale..
Jeff MayshSteve Glew's adventures make for an outrageous tale..
I finally figured out how to say this. Yes I earned 4.5 million dollars in 11 years on a $4,000.00 investment, but in the end I lost $250,000.00 on a half million dollar investment that should have yielded a million, minimum. Here's the thing. I once heard that you should be careful about the enemies you make because you will most likely see them again on your way down. I made enemies in my journey but Scott McWhinnie was the biggest. |
Pez Corporation agreed to make $250,000.00 worth of special pez for me. To qualify I had to buy another $250,000.00 worth of product, so 1/2 million total. After I borrowed every penny I could get my hands on from 20 years building my finances and credbility to lenders, Pez Corporation reproduced the product with the sole intent to destroy my company. This action by Pez Corporation was FRAUD by Breach of Implied Contract.
The President of PEZ USA ruthlessly carried out his plan until my company was totally destroyed. When PEZ International reproduced my $250,000.00 special order of PEZ dispensers for PEZ USA, it was a Breach of Implied Contract, because I never would have designed and placed the order if I thought it would be reproduced.
If I had a Do Over. I never would have tried to go legit. It was more fun and way more profitable being a Pez Outlaw. Bad Clown! Bad Clown!
The Pez Color War. This phrase represents a 3 year period where my life as a Pez Outlaw became an open conflict with Pez USA. Scott McWhinnie was the guy who ran Pez USA at that time. For years I had been a thorn in Pez USAs back side, just out of reach for them to remove. It was not until I contracted with Pez Austria/Haas for just under 20 exclusive special Pez color variations and approx 8 different Crystal Pez. That Pez USA finally saw there opening. The Pez Color War began when I first received these dispensers and started selling them. Followed by Pez USA reproducing most of them for sale on the NEW Pez USA website. The Pez Color Wars refers to the clash of that product in the collector arena. It was the Holiday Colors, my product vs The Misfits, Scotts product. Approximately 200,000 Pez Dispensers were involved in this conflict.
Scott McWhinnie "retired" very very soon after the Pez Color War ended. I mean real soon after. I've always believed he got squeezed out after the Pez Color War ended. He ordered then had to liquidate a very large amount of Pez (the Misfits). I also hear that Scott McWhinnie has not spoken to anyone in 10 years. Whoa! That's worse than me.
When I bought the Holiday Colors it was my attempt to move on from all the smuggling & intrigue that had built my company. I wanted to put all that behind me n start new with legit product bought from Pez International. Unfortunately Scott McWhinnie was not of a same mind, rather than begin anew by leaving the past behind, he wanted revenge.By ordering such a large group of Pez dispensers from Pez Austria at a very high price per dispenser. I handed Scott McWhinnie President of Pez USA the opening for the revenge he desperately desired. Like they say, when you seek revenge dig two holes first, because truth be told when all was said & done, we were both dead.
The Holiday Colors project tied up all the cash I had, plus all I could borrow. All Scott McWhinnie at Pez USA had to do was, get samples of my product. Then send them to Pez Austria Haas and place the order to seal my destruction.
By the time the Pez Color War ended, I was broke. I was allowed to rise as long as it suited various individuals at Pez Corporation. Then destroyed because of envy n greed. My actions wrote the script for Scott McWhinnies revenge.
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Hungarian Silver Glow |
The biggest outrage is, the President of PEZ USA and Pez International used Fraud, Lies and market manipulation to bankrupt my company. I'm not some crazy. This all happened. The President of PEZ USA conceived and ruthlessly carried out his plan until my company was absolutely destroyed. When PEZ International reproduced my $250,000.00 special order of PEZ dispensers for PEZ USA, it was a Breach of Implied Contract. Breach of Implied Contract because I obviously never would have placed the order if in any way I'd expected it would be reproduced.
this sentence is everything. Pez Corporation reproduced my product with the sole intent to destroy my company.
Intent is everything. Add to that Malice of Forethought. Pez Corp planned this meticulously.
It would not matter if I were the worst person on planet Earth, that fact would not excuse Pez Corporations actions or there intent by those actions.
Pez USA President Scott McWhinnie's first response to the Holiday colors was to start a rumor that these dispensers were not legitimate dispensers. Pez USA did this through PCN the Pez Collectors News letter. The second thing Pez USA did was to have The PezPolice (PezPolice, people within the hobby who were always trying to stay on there good side) buy samples of the Holiday colors. So these samples could be sent to Pez Austria so they could be copied. Which when you think about it is kinda odd because Pez Austria authorized and made the original dispensers. My guess as to why samples were required are as follows. No love loss between Pez Austria and Scott McWhinnie at Pez USA. So why make anything easy for him. It is also possible that so little regard was given to the choices I made for the Holiday Colors, that no records were kept. My guess is both reasons were factors in why samples were required.
The copies were named the Misfits by Scott McWhinnie, Scott McWhinnie did all of this in his capacity as President of Pez USA. By the end of Pez USAs smear campaign through PCN, the Pez Corp copies were this shiny good thing and my originals were dubious at best. The name Holiday colors was jettisoned with remarkable speed and replaced with the name of the copies, MISFITS. The Misfits were the copies. The individual names were; Diablo, Detys, VooDoo Mama, David W, Pinky, Mex-Tex, Jaundice Witch, Bear C, Bear D, Pal S, Pal J and Pal M etc.
Once Scott McWhinnie Pez USA received the Misfits he set the retail for his duplicates at the price I paid wholesale to my broker Andre Zeich. Andre Zeich is German Andre. He is the person who placed the order with Van Melles for the Holiday colors from Pez Austria Haas for me and handled all of the shipping arraignments.
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Black Santa C |
I tried to change our path by buying the Holiday Colors. Scott McWhinnie President of Pez USA would have none of it and our mutual destruction was sealed. It in the end was his choice to make, not mine. I'd like to say even though we both crashed and burned after the Color Wars, his landing was a better one. Scott McWhinnie got eased out with a good retirement package, Me I got a $250,00.00 debt which by the way I still owe the bank.
You would think two seemingly intelligent people could avoid the inevitable conclusion that awaited Scott and myself. Unfortunately when you are in the middle of it you can not see what is obvious on reflection.
As a point of interest, possibly to anyone who reads this story. The Black Santa Pez dispenser is my all time favorite Pez dispenser. For me it is the best & most prized dispenser I ever owned and at one time or another I owned most.
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Pink Bunny |
Pink Bunny pictured left was also one of Marco creations.
For me Marcos was a visionary. There were at least 3 versions of the Black Santa Pez dispenser from the early 90s, & this was where that spark that later became the Pez Color Wars first kindled.
Although it was the Pink Rhino MMM Pez dispenser that was the actual trigger & when I decided to actually do the project. If I remember right John the cool pez man Devlin was going to pay about $500.00 for this item. I had been talking to German Andre about this idea by then for a while, but when John was ready to pay that kind of money I decided the project was a go. My logic was surely people who till then had been paying at minimum several hundred dollars each for Pez color variations would jump at $25.00 each. With how much I had to invest to get them & how much each one cost $25.00 was what I needed. This was also a fraction of what people paid for colors prior to the arrival of mine.
Yes $25.00 each was over 100% profit per Pez dispenser. I had to buy approx 1/2 million dollars worth of pez items as part of the overall package with the pez color project. Had things gone as planned, it would have taken 5 to 10 years to sell it all, tying up half a million dollars for years. Which meant interrupting cash flow & the roll over rate of capital. Plus at that point $150,000.00 of it was borrowed using my companies line of credit. Not to mention the cost of operating my pez business, which was very high. So for all these reasons $25.00 each was the number required for the investment. When $25.00 turned into $10.00 then $5.00 & finally $2.00 to $4.00 per pez dispenser, well you can see how things kinda went south at the speed of light.
There was also the product I was required to buy from Andre Zeich in order to have the privilege of buying the pez colors I desired. The fact that the product bought during the pez color wars totaled $471,950.00 & that in the end I lost $250,000.00 on that initial investment alone, shows how severe the damage actually was. Eventually I lost overall 8 1/2 million dollars.
The Pez Holiday Colors project and the Crystal project were the first
use of Glow in the Dark Plastic, Crystals (clear plastic) &
pez color variations in large quantity. It had never even occurred to
Pez Corp to make dispensers using Glow in the Dark or Clear Plastic
prior to my pez dispensers.
Here is the list of Pez dispensers I bought in 1998 for approximately 1/2 million dollars which includes the Pez Holiday Colors & there real names. This list is the entire group of product bought from Andre / Pez Austria and the product involved in the pez color war.
$21,100.00 for One Shipping Container full of Pez Body parts. This was the 105,500 carded pez body parts I was forced to buy as a precondition to getting the pez colors produced. I hated this deal, I think I paid 20cents each. In the end it was one of the smarter things I was forced to buy in the pez color project. I gave them away as inducements to buy at certain dollar levels & elevated pez sales quite a bit. Also face it at a quarter each in the end I was not going to lose money. So yeah even though forced to buy them I came out ok on these. I could have moved double the amount I bought.
Recently somebody asked. "do you guys still have PEZ body parts?" I only have the Pez. body parts left that I buried in the back yard. Also way back when I had tons, I traded a truckload to Okatoni for a truckload of Ren & Stimpy candy heads. Which I still have as it was one of my more genius moves.
So yeah I still have some Pez body parts, but they are in a hole out back. Which I never plan to dig up. Never. Never ever. Never!
Warehouse Photos of some of the Pez Body Parts after they arrived.
The Holiday Colors
Looking at these dispensers today in view of the fact that so many dispensers are done in a wide range of colors, you may think. What's the big deal? It's probably hard to understand what all the hubbub was all about. Up until the arrival of the Pez Holiday Colors, crazy color combination's like these were not really done in mass production. They were the match that started the fire. For that reason alone they deserve a special place in the modern history of Pez. That is precisely what this book is about. Getting that history finally right.
Not to mention, but if I don't. Who will? This project, my project, my ideas. Were the beginning of Crystals & Glow in the Dark Pez Dispensers. The idea of using clear plastic or glow in the dark plastic for pez dispensers had never occurred to Pez Corporation until I asked for it. As a point of fact they thought clear plastic could not be used until I asked. My original release Crystal Pez Dispensers were the test pieces for this concept. Notably they have air bubbles in the plastic. Which signifies how new the process was to Pez Corporation.
Mex-Tex Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. This Pez dispenser was done with a Tan face so it could be the first Hispanic Santa. I was reluctant at the time to go with another black Santa Pez dispenser out of deference to the ones that had preceded it. Today the decision would be different I would have done Black head glow in the dark hat & beard. The Tan face was half hearted, I should have made him the way I really wanted to.
Diablo Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. Black Skull. Just a no brainer, the name & the color.
Jaundice Witch Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. Yellow head, white hat, brown hair Witch. Almost a good idea. Original concept being that naturally an old witch would have jaundice color skin.
Mex-Tex Pez dispensers, Diablo Pez dispensers & Jaundice Witch Pez dispensers. Total cost $43,230.00
3,060 pieces Orange Snowman Pez dispensers. no great shakes can't even remember what I called it. *** I now realize from my notes that this one was German Andres idea. At that moment I was at a loss, he suggested it & I just said ok whatever.***
26,016 Santa Play World Pez
28,000 more Pez body parts
1872 Psych Eyes Pez dispensers
Orange snowmen, santa play worlds, more pez body parts & psych eyes. Total cost $36,000.00 1,050 Peter Pez coin plates Total cost $5,250
2,160 Pez Aral Gas Play Worlds Yellow Hair
2,160 Pez Aral Gas Play Worlds Red Hair
205 more Psych Eyes Pez dispensers
1,728 of original 4 color Pez dispensers. That I was told was "production over run" & if I didn't buy would be sold elsewhere. Actually what was left of Andre's production, that he wanted to get rid of after grabbing all the quick sales he could behind my back.
Pez Arals, Psychs & lot of 4 loose colors Total cost $26,000.00
11,520 of 4 different Glow in dark Ghosts Pez dispensers
2,880 Gargomel Pez dispensers
Pez Glow Ghosts & Gargomels Total cost $24,480.00
3,456 pieces Detys Pez dispensers. Don't Eat the Yellow Snow. No regrets yellow head snowman with a comic back story done in initials. He was perfection.
3,456 pieces VooDoo Mama Pez dispensers. Black head, Orange hat, White hair Witch. Again no regrets she was awesome.
3,456 pieces David W. Pez dispensers. Kinda weak. Brown face lion meant to bring reality to the dispenser. Should have done a different character for this one, yellow witch & orange snowman. Like Pez Pal boy & Pez Pal Girl in Black. The only good thing about this dispenser is it's name, an homage to David Welch & his contribution to the hobby of collecting pez. All Pez price guides really need to stop using the carpetbagger name misfit lion & call it by it's correct name. David W.
3,456 pieces Pinky Pez dispensers. Named after the Pink Elephants a drunk might see. Dark nose because he has a snoot full.
Detys, VooDoo, David & Pinky Pez dispensers Total cost $55,296.00
1,236 each of 4 Different Shell Gas Pez Pal, Gold, Blond, Gray & Orange Hair. This was German Andre getting creative. Lamely using the gimmick of different colors of hair like it was a huge deal. Still I was forced to buy this also as a precondition to getting the Pez colors produced. Total cost $32,136.00
2,361 pieces Buyout of loose Pez Colors. 248 Mex-tex Pez dispensers, 302 Diablo Pez dispensers, 177 Y Witch Pez dispensers, 284 O snowman Pez dispensers, 280 Pinky Pez dispensers, 309 David Pez dispensers, 389 VooDoo Pez dispensers & 372 Detys Pez dispensers all loose. From German Andre. A very large wooden crate of loose Pez colors, Andre (the Snake) had produced on the side & was selling behind my back to other dealers undercutting my prices. He said it was overproduction & if I did not buy it. He would sell elsewhere. I knew better but the price was cheap & it helped defray some of the losses so I bought it. Total cost $4,720.00
936 Pez dispensers each x 8 dif = 7,488 total of Original 8 Crystal Pez dispensers. I payed $6.00 each. My idea including the name. Early on in the color project I asked about clear head Pez dispensers Crystals. I was told it would be to difficult to do. Several months later Andre said, "Hey remember those Pez Crystal head dispensers you wanted, I got them for you 8 different Ghosts & new Zoo" Pez dispensers. Quite a few of these original Pez Crystals have the imperfections stated as the difficulty in making them. Air bubbles in the clear plastic. Total cost $44,926.00 October 1998
1,680 pieces Pez Silver Hair Shell Gas Play World. Again my guess is Andre made these for himself, then realized how long it takes to sell. Total cost $12,600.00
3,456 pieces Bear C Pez dispensers & 3,456 pieces Bear D Pez dispensers. Black & Brown Ice Bear Pez dispensers. Great pieces. I loved them. I think I called them Bear C & Bear D. The Bear D Pez dispenser was the brown one named after Donna a really terrific person who worked for me back then. The Bear C Pez dispenser was named after my grandson Corey. Total cost $27,648.00
216 Tyke Pez dispensers. Total cost $648.00
2,935 pieces Large advertising Pez Balloon stickers. Total cost $880.00
3,456 each x 3 dif = 10,368 pieces. Pal S, J, & M Pez dispensers. I loved these three Pez dispensers, I think they were my most creative Pez dispensers. Glow in the dark heads with Hip-Hop hats. Also the first use of Glow in the Dark plastic for heads or anything else for that matter. Named after my kids Steph, Josh & Moriah. Total cost $41,472.00
1,500 pieces Pez Take Off Play World. Total cost $7,500.00
11,520 pieces of 4 different carded Nintendo Pez dispensers. Total cost $19,584.00
If my math is correct The items listed above comes to $403,470.00 Total. The other roughly $68,000.00 comes from 3 buys my records suck on. Approximately 4,000 loose Joes trucks Pez dispensers, Approx 4,000 Pez Pal Mariner Play Worlds, and a large amount of Double cards with Dinosaur Pez dispensers & Pez body parts side by side.
The figure of $471,950.00 comes from a fax I sent to German Andre on 9-15-98. In it I stated after adding receipts the total was approx $350,000.00. Using this figure as a bludgeon to try to get a better price on the proposed Pez Space Gun project. $350,000.00 that year prior to 9-15-98. Then additionally the following payments were made that same year.
9-28-98 I sent him a cashiers check for $11,000.00
10-19-98 a cashiers check for $27,400.00
11-10-98 a cashiers check for $83,550.00 as the final payment for product bought in the Pez Color Wars. This is where the $471,950.00 figure comes from and as you see above from list of Pez dispensers bought & amounts paid $403,470.00 is accounted for. I know the other $68,000.00 was spent just can't find the records on it.
I also bought the rest of Joes Pez trucks from Joe & Dave sometime in the year of 2,000.
My absolute favorites of all the colors made in 1998 were Diablo, VooDoo Mama & Pals S, J & M. Hands down these were my favorites & the ones I was most proud of. I also thought Detys & Pinky were at the very least, funny.
My 3rd project was to be the following.
1,000 Black Spaceguns
1,000 Glow in dark Spaceguns
5,000 of 5 x 1,000 ea neon color spacegun
3,000 Black Snowman
I also had plans for glow in the dark trucks which Andre shopped to Joe n David G
4th planned project
Pez Pal Boy n Girl
Brown head, black hair
Glow in dark head. boy neon green hair, girl neon pink hair
So here's a Dr Phil moment for you the reader. Pez Corp has a customer who is willing to & spends 1/2 million dollars in one year buying Pez dispensers from Pez Corp to resell. In doing so this customer also brings several unique innovations to that product. How does Pez corporation reward this customer? They do everything possible to destroy that investment. Call me stupid but this does not sound like good business practice.
After reviewing my records from 1998 I'm actually surprised that I only lost $250,000.00 when it was all done. I believe that because I was willing to take the hit & reacted quickly to the events as they unfolded. That I reduced a potential 1/2 million dollar loss by half. I'm with you in my disbelief on these numbers. To me now 10 years later these amounts seem huge & not believable. What can I say, my circumstances have changed a great deal and for that I have Pez Corp to thank.
In some ways this is a tale of warning to anyone who thinks going into business with Pez Corporation is a good idea. After all if 1/2 million dollars business in one year will not get you some respect from Pez Corp, nothing will. The only reasons that makes any sense to me is that because of greed & jealousy Pez Corp destroyed a new client that spent 1/2 million in one year on there product. All normal logic would make you think a company would kill to acquire a new corporate account of 1/2 million dollars.
The really ironic part of all of this is that before I tried to go legit by doing business directly with pez corp I earned over 4 million. After trying to go legit buying directly from Pez Corp, I lost everything & went $250,000.00 in debt. Those numbers alone should give you some indication of what kind of business partner Pez corporation can be. Who woulda thunk that doing business around the edges was better than partnering with Pez corp.
Kinda reminds me of the movies where a criminal tries to go legit. The criminal figures after handling business in a criminal world, that corporate types would be pussy cats. Only to find out Corporate types are more dishonest & less trustworthy than crooks. As with life I can't remember how these movies end.
To me in life we all do things that are bad, but there is bad & there is Bernard Madoff bad. When Pez Corp reproduced the product that in effect cost me 1/2 million dollars to buy from them. They knowingly destroyed that investment & it was obvious to everybody watching that, that was the intent. That investment was the result of & represented 20 years worth of work by me to achieve it. For me what Pez Corp did was Bernard Madoff bad.
When a company does something with the sole intent & net result being to wipe out the life savings of a person. Is that not why Bernard L. Madoff is in prison today. In my opinion there is no difference between what Pez Corp did to me in the Pez Color Wars & what Bernard L. Madoff did, except that Berny went to jail.
A funny side note here. Recently I was digging through my old taxes. Hunting for the receipts I was given for pez I bought in Europe in the 1990s. I also found my mid 1990s Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities Calculator. Funny part is. It still works, even if Old Berny doesn't.
I actually used my Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities Calculator to figure how much Pez Corporation took from me in FRAUD
Funny thing is years ago my main objection was that I was promised these pez dispensers were exclusive to me. With the passage of years my temper has mellowed, after all I only had faxes that stated these pez were exclusive to me from my broker. If all it had been about was someone breaking there word, like oopsie I fibbed I take it all back. Well maybe you could let that go, not me, but I'm saying maybe someone else could.
Now ten years later after reflecting, was the intent of the action of duplicating my 1/2 million dollar 1998 investment. The duplication had one purpose & only one purpose, it was created with the sole intent of destroying my 1/2 million dollar investment in Pez Corporation product. By doing so to also destroy a business that took me 20 years to build. You gotta be a pretty nasty customer to be able to live with that.
You have to be asking yourself. How can this guy say these things & not get in legal trouble with Pez Corp? The answer is easy. The statements are true, therefore not slander but simply a statement of fact.
It would also be interesting, to me anyway. To have Pez USA explain
how there website when it first came on line mirrored the product I
paid just under 1/2 million dollars for. Was that just a coincidence or
was the intent to destroy the value of the 1/2 million dollars in
product they (Pez Corporation) sold me. The skulduggery went even
further. In order to duplicate my product samples of all my dispensers
were bought through PezPolice/middle men & used to duplicate my
product for Pez USA's website.
Funny story about Pez body part from this time period. The Funs (a chain of novelty & collectibles stores; Big fun, Uncle Fun & Sister Fun) which is how Mike Metros referred to them. Anyway the Funs also bought a container of Pez body parts from German Andre. While at the Raba in Hungary, I came down for breakfast one morning & had an urgent fax from Mike Mitros. In it he was asking if I could help, stating that the container of Pez body parts that the Funs had bought was hung up at a customs port of entry. I had made the whole process look so easy that the Funs thought anybody could do it. I can't remember what I told Mike, probably that they should hire a broker. I have no idea if they ever got that container cleared.
No I did not offer my broker to the Funs. No I did not share the customs number or any of the things I had learned or about which ports of entry were best. I'm kinda superstitious in this regard. I figured I only had so much luck in these matters & giving some of it away would not be wise. All by myself I was already running the string pretty thin.
Did you know that the original idea about Pez body parts was that they were like Pez Make A Face? This was actually said to me by Marcos & Ljuba (Ormoz Slovenia) in one of the hush hush talks we had. Marcos was all excited about this really big new project he referred to like Pez Make A Face. Obviously corporate thinking was Pez body parts were somehow a way to capitalize on the fact that Pez Make A Face was always said in books to be the Holy Grail of pez dispensers & at the time selling for 2 to $3,000.00 each.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda. Pez Boy & Pez Girl Black head. Actually any male or female Pez dispensers in every ethnicity. In 1998 the pez pal boy & pez pal girl with black heads was a planned project, but once word of Pez USA duplicating everything started. The project was scuttled.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda. More C class pez trucks. During 1998 I also had plans to make Pez Trucks all black & Pez trucks all glow in the dark. I believe as things started going south German Andre shopped this idea to Joe & Dave which resulted in what you know as Joe's Pez Trucks. You may also not know that Dave Gutterman was Joe's partner on these Pez trucks & the money man behind them. The reason I know this to be true is that Dave used his investment in CDs to fund this project & that after a year he wanted out. Resulting in me purchasing the remaining inventory of pez trucks from Joe & Dave at cost.
All time Fantasy. To have control of a Pez injection molding facility for 1 day ( 12 hours ) & get all the product created. Minimum of 10 injection molding machines. My selection of non licensed molds for pez heads & minimum of 20 colors of plastic pellets. I would create Pez dispenser HEADS ONLY. All the pez heads created within the 12 hours would remain as components (not assembled) for assembly by me later. Three days prior to select pez molds & plan the 12 hour run. Stems for pez heads would also be provided.
Since we all know I am not a shrinking violate I will also state the following. There would not have been any Bubble Boy release by Pez USA had I not sold 2 for approximately $1,000.00 each, causing Scott McWhinnie to wig out & other dealers to start selling there's. There would not have been Crystal pez dispensers at all if not for the Crystal Pez Project that was part of the Pez Color Wars. There would not have been color variation Pez Dispensers sold by Pez Corp & others in any significant quantities had it not been for my Black Santa Pez Dispensers & the Holiday Colors Pez Dispensers that were part of the Pez Color Wars.
Bubble Boy Pez Dispensers in all colors, Crystal Pez dispensers of all types & Color variation Pez Dispensers of all types in any significant quantity all are a direct result of the Pez Color Wars. So in effect all of these Pez Dispensers & those that followed are my children as they were born of this time. The Crystal & Color variation Pez Dispensers that have followed to this day are all born as a direct result of the Pez Color Wars. So they too are my children. None of this would have happened had it not been for the Pez Colors project, The Pez Crystals Project or the Pez Color Wars.
For the record, the name Crystal Pez Dispenser that you use to describe clear Pez heads in various colors is the name I gave the original 8 Crystals. Not just my idea but also my term as the title for this group of product. Yes I am not ashamed to toot my own horn. If I don't the facts will be lost.
I paid $6.00 each for the original 7,488 Crystal pez dispensers made to my specification of clear plastic heads. I believe $45,000.00 gives me the right to claim the idea & the name I gave them.
The following stats are to illustrate how the 11 years I sold Pez dispensers went.
These are the gross sales that can be documented with the tax returns for these years.
Pez Year #1 = $191,817.00 gross
Pez Year #2 = $291,902.00 gross
Pez Year #3 = $448,277.00 gross
Pez Year #4 = $754,069.00 gross
Pez Year #5 = $569,330.00 gross
Pez Year #6 = $426,163.00 gross
Pez Year #7 = $552,277.00 gross
Pez Year #8 = $412,758.00 gross
Pez Year #9 = $253,844.00 gross
Pez Year #10 = $331,459.00 gross
Pez Year #11 = $299,003.00 gross
This 11 year time frame represents once things were up & running, selling Pez through final closeout of the bulk of the remaining Pez inventory. These numbers were taken from the tax returns for each year. In Pez Year # 4 a couple of my employees actually received The 4th year was also the year my accountant called me & said, "Do you realize you are going to make $750,000.00 this year". It was all pretty crazy, going from $35,000.00 a year to Pez Money. I accomplished all this by seeing something, then throwing everything I had at achieving the goal. Remember I started with less than $3,000.00
You also would be safe in assuming that because I sold 4.5 million dollars in Pez over 11 years, that the amount of Pez I bought was closer to 2 million dollars. As my markup averaged 100%. My records on pez bought are not as good as gross sales, as about 1/2 of my buys were cash.
My deals with German Andre buying Pez dispensers alone totaled $471,950.00 in 1998. I also know that I spent over 1/2 million in cash on over 1/2 million Pez dispensers in mostly Hungary, approx 70 trips (Hungary, Slovenia & Austria) averaging $9,000.00 per trip on product. Hotels, flights & cars were usually paid by credit card. Which totals 1 million dollars spent on Pez between Germany/Austria & Hungary alone.
My company was devastated when Pez USA, Pez Austria & Haas duplicated most of the product I bought in 1998. I had told people this product was mine exclusively as that is what I had been told when I invested almost 1/2 million dollars. People who bought from me lost all trust in my word after this.
Problem is, even before the rumors that Pez USA was going to launch a website with my product, other rumors hurt sales. Months before Pez USA had people buy samples from me, to duplicate my product he started rumors that my Pez dispensers were fake. Richie should be able to provide more on this , as it was reported that Pez USA had stated my dispensers were not authorized or some such thing. Which led people to question if I was having dispensers made outside of Pez Corp.
I have no idea why, but this rumor seemed to pop up every time I acquired a bunch of Pez dispensers. I seemed to have to constantly assure people I did not have a factory that was churning out Pez dispensers. I never knew who was starting these rumors for sure. Though with the colors it was Pez USA, & I have a pretty good idea the King & his minions, the PezPolice started the other rumors. As at one point, one of his minions (a very well known person in Pez circles) returned a very large order saying that they were not real. These rumors were passed down the chain until people like the person who ran Pezamania were saying that I was making pez in my basement as almost fact to other collectors.
These rumors were a constant battle throughout the time I sold Pez. Though the one started by Pez USA that the Holiday colors were fake was the hardest one to dispel. If I remember right this rumor was even reported in the newsletter. If I'm wrong I will correct this.
Though once Pez USA decided to copy my product everybody realized it was real. It always puzzled me why most of the low end dispensers I found were almost always suspected. Yet massive quantities of much older dispensers never were. It might have something to do with who was starting all the rumors about my product being the same person who owned that massive quantity of older product. I also always wondered why his first thought when I found older dispensers was that they were being made for me. Why was this always the first & only way he thought it was possible that I could acquire older dispensers.
I believe I bought more Pez, Sold more Pez & spent more money on Pez in the 1990s than any other Pez dealer. Problem is I was totally independent & that nobody had a vested interest in my success. Only those who had an interest in my failure. So when my product was questioned there were very few strong voices to put the rumors down. The King though it seems has a never ending group of boosters. It would appear many have a vested interest in his continued success. The fact that an entire international corporation conspired to put my little enterprise out of business, yet ignores the Kings activities to me says it all. Ten years & I am Dead. Twenty years & counting, Long Live The King.
The second aspect of the color war was that for approx 3 years by default I ran Pez USA. The reason I say this is for 2 to 3 years most of what Pez USA did was in reaction to what I was doing. Examples: I sold Pez Bubble boy then after passing on him, Pez USA started selling Bubble boy. Canadian & Euro Pez dispenser were often different which I exploited to the max, so distribution networks & product distributed was changed. I created the Crystal pez dispenser concept & name, so Pez USA started selling Crystal Pez. I imported Body parts, so soon Pez USA imported body parts after initially saying no to them. I created the Color Project, soon Pez USA was selling the identical product. I imported Glow in the dark Ghosts after a year Pez USA imported Glow in the Dark Ghost. You might remember for the first year Pez USA Ghosts were a cream color, until they saw mine in Glow in the Dark. One year later there's were also Glow in the Dark.
Here is the big one. Pez USA executives always worried I was making more money on Pez than they were with my mail away program. Soon Pez USA had a mail away program, which by coincidence (not at all) sold initially all of these items I have just mentioned. The entire Pez USA mail away program was started with & in reaction to my product & mail away program. It actually went so far as Pez USA had people buy samples of my product, to copy exactly all of my pez dispensers from the Pez Crystals Project, the Pez Colors Project & the Glow in the Dark pez dispensers.
A few of my other responsibilities during the 3 years I ran Pez USA by default were. Product development, market testing for viability of new concept pez dispensers & the only significant advertising of Pez dispensers. Besides general promotion of pez by way of premiums, written materials & give aways. I performed my duties with great joy.
So by default because so much of what Pez USA did for about 3 years was as a direct result of what I did & the fact that for 3 years all of the innovations in Pez product were copies literally of my Pez dispensers. I feel very comfortable saying I ran Pez USA for 3 years. This control over the company also extended to at least two trips to Europe by Pez USA executives that were solely about my activities.
Over the years I have heard many times people say how cool it would be to run Pez USA. Let me tell you by default I did run Pez USA for 3 years & it was no fun at all. If I had made $250,000.00 for running Pez USA instead of losing $250,000.00, maybe then it would have been fun.
Follow sj glew
Steve Glew (Pez Outlaw) on facebook
Here is the list of Pez dispensers I bought in 1998 for approximately 1/2 million dollars which includes the Pez Holiday Colors & there real names. This list is the entire group of product bought from Andre / Pez Austria and the product involved in the pez color war.
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Pez Body Parts. picture Courtesy of Rudi. April -1998 = 105,500 body parts April 1998 = 28,300 April 1998 = 26,016 santa playworld |
$21,100.00 for One Shipping Container full of Pez Body parts. This was the 105,500 carded pez body parts I was forced to buy as a precondition to getting the pez colors produced. I hated this deal, I think I paid 20cents each. In the end it was one of the smarter things I was forced to buy in the pez color project. I gave them away as inducements to buy at certain dollar levels & elevated pez sales quite a bit. Also face it at a quarter each in the end I was not going to lose money. So yeah even though forced to buy them I came out ok on these. I could have moved double the amount I bought.
Recently somebody asked. "do you guys still have PEZ body parts?" I only have the Pez. body parts left that I buried in the back yard. Also way back when I had tons, I traded a truckload to Okatoni for a truckload of Ren & Stimpy candy heads. Which I still have as it was one of my more genius moves.
So yeah I still have some Pez body parts, but they are in a hole out back. Which I never plan to dig up. Never. Never ever. Never!
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Some of the Hungarian Pez Dispensers I brought home. Wearing Body Parts. |
Warehouse Photos of some of the Pez Body Parts after they arrived.
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The Pez Body Parts arrived while I was in Europe getting Ducks. |
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Huey, Duey, Louie & Gyro Pez Dispensers |
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Huey, Duey & Louie |
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Duck Pez Dispensers recently brought home from Hungary. |
The Holiday Colors
Looking at these dispensers today in view of the fact that so many dispensers are done in a wide range of colors, you may think. What's the big deal? It's probably hard to understand what all the hubbub was all about. Up until the arrival of the Pez Holiday Colors, crazy color combination's like these were not really done in mass production. They were the match that started the fire. For that reason alone they deserve a special place in the modern history of Pez. That is precisely what this book is about. Getting that history finally right.
Not to mention, but if I don't. Who will? This project, my project, my ideas. Were the beginning of Crystals & Glow in the Dark Pez Dispensers. The idea of using clear plastic or glow in the dark plastic for pez dispensers had never occurred to Pez Corporation until I asked for it. As a point of fact they thought clear plastic could not be used until I asked. My original release Crystal Pez Dispensers were the test pieces for this concept. Notably they have air bubbles in the plastic. Which signifies how new the process was to Pez Corporation.
Mex-Tex Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. This Pez dispenser was done with a Tan face so it could be the first Hispanic Santa. I was reluctant at the time to go with another black Santa Pez dispenser out of deference to the ones that had preceded it. Today the decision would be different I would have done Black head glow in the dark hat & beard. The Tan face was half hearted, I should have made him the way I really wanted to.
Diablo Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. Black Skull. Just a no brainer, the name & the color.
Jaundice Witch Pez dispenser 3,060 pieces. Yellow head, white hat, brown hair Witch. Almost a good idea. Original concept being that naturally an old witch would have jaundice color skin.
Mex-Tex Pez dispensers, Diablo Pez dispensers & Jaundice Witch Pez dispensers. Total cost $43,230.00
3,060 pieces Orange Snowman Pez dispensers. no great shakes can't even remember what I called it. *** I now realize from my notes that this one was German Andres idea. At that moment I was at a loss, he suggested it & I just said ok whatever.***
26,016 Santa Play World Pez
28,000 more Pez body parts
1872 Psych Eyes Pez dispensers
Orange snowmen, santa play worlds, more pez body parts & psych eyes. Total cost $36,000.00 1,050 Peter Pez coin plates Total cost $5,250
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Aral Gas Pez
Pal Orange & Yellow Hair Pez Dispensers. Hair color for the mass
production of this item was Black. May/june 1998 |
2,160 Pez Aral Gas Play Worlds Red Hair
205 more Psych Eyes Pez dispensers
1,728 of original 4 color Pez dispensers. That I was told was "production over run" & if I didn't buy would be sold elsewhere. Actually what was left of Andre's production, that he wanted to get rid of after grabbing all the quick sales he could behind my back.
Pez Arals, Psychs & lot of 4 loose colors Total cost $26,000.00
11,520 of 4 different Glow in dark Ghosts Pez dispensers
2,880 Gargomel Pez dispensers
Pez Glow Ghosts & Gargomels Total cost $24,480.00
3,456 pieces Detys Pez dispensers. Don't Eat the Yellow Snow. No regrets yellow head snowman with a comic back story done in initials. He was perfection.
3,456 pieces VooDoo Mama Pez dispensers. Black head, Orange hat, White hair Witch. Again no regrets she was awesome.
3,456 pieces David W. Pez dispensers. Kinda weak. Brown face lion meant to bring reality to the dispenser. Should have done a different character for this one, yellow witch & orange snowman. Like Pez Pal boy & Pez Pal Girl in Black. The only good thing about this dispenser is it's name, an homage to David Welch & his contribution to the hobby of collecting pez. All Pez price guides really need to stop using the carpetbagger name misfit lion & call it by it's correct name. David W.
3,456 pieces Pinky Pez dispensers. Named after the Pink Elephants a drunk might see. Dark nose because he has a snoot full.
Detys, VooDoo, David & Pinky Pez dispensers Total cost $55,296.00
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Shell Gas Pez
Pal Pez Dispensers with Gold, Silver, White, Brown & Gray Hair.
Hair color for the mass production of this item was Black. Picture
Courtesy of Rudi August 1998 |
1,236 each of 4 Different Shell Gas Pez Pal, Gold, Blond, Gray & Orange Hair. This was German Andre getting creative. Lamely using the gimmick of different colors of hair like it was a huge deal. Still I was forced to buy this also as a precondition to getting the Pez colors produced. Total cost $32,136.00
2,361 pieces Buyout of loose Pez Colors. 248 Mex-tex Pez dispensers, 302 Diablo Pez dispensers, 177 Y Witch Pez dispensers, 284 O snowman Pez dispensers, 280 Pinky Pez dispensers, 309 David Pez dispensers, 389 VooDoo Pez dispensers & 372 Detys Pez dispensers all loose. From German Andre. A very large wooden crate of loose Pez colors, Andre (the Snake) had produced on the side & was selling behind my back to other dealers undercutting my prices. He said it was overproduction & if I did not buy it. He would sell elsewhere. I knew better but the price was cheap & it helped defray some of the losses so I bought it. Total cost $4,720.00
936 Pez dispensers each x 8 dif = 7,488 total of Original 8 Crystal Pez dispensers. I payed $6.00 each. My idea including the name. Early on in the color project I asked about clear head Pez dispensers Crystals. I was told it would be to difficult to do. Several months later Andre said, "Hey remember those Pez Crystal head dispensers you wanted, I got them for you 8 different Ghosts & new Zoo" Pez dispensers. Quite a few of these original Pez Crystals have the imperfections stated as the difficulty in making them. Air bubbles in the clear plastic. Total cost $44,926.00 October 1998
1,680 pieces Pez Silver Hair Shell Gas Play World. Again my guess is Andre made these for himself, then realized how long it takes to sell. Total cost $12,600.00
3,456 pieces Bear C Pez dispensers & 3,456 pieces Bear D Pez dispensers. Black & Brown Ice Bear Pez dispensers. Great pieces. I loved them. I think I called them Bear C & Bear D. The Bear D Pez dispenser was the brown one named after Donna a really terrific person who worked for me back then. The Bear C Pez dispenser was named after my grandson Corey. Total cost $27,648.00
216 Tyke Pez dispensers. Total cost $648.00
2,935 pieces Large advertising Pez Balloon stickers. Total cost $880.00
3,456 each x 3 dif = 10,368 pieces. Pal S, J, & M Pez dispensers. I loved these three Pez dispensers, I think they were my most creative Pez dispensers. Glow in the dark heads with Hip-Hop hats. Also the first use of Glow in the Dark plastic for heads or anything else for that matter. Named after my kids Steph, Josh & Moriah. Total cost $41,472.00
1,500 pieces Pez Take Off Play World. Total cost $7,500.00
11,520 pieces of 4 different carded Nintendo Pez dispensers. Total cost $19,584.00
If my math is correct The items listed above comes to $403,470.00 Total. The other roughly $68,000.00 comes from 3 buys my records suck on. Approximately 4,000 loose Joes trucks Pez dispensers, Approx 4,000 Pez Pal Mariner Play Worlds, and a large amount of Double cards with Dinosaur Pez dispensers & Pez body parts side by side.
The figure of $471,950.00 comes from a fax I sent to German Andre on 9-15-98. In it I stated after adding receipts the total was approx $350,000.00. Using this figure as a bludgeon to try to get a better price on the proposed Pez Space Gun project. $350,000.00 that year prior to 9-15-98. Then additionally the following payments were made that same year.
9-28-98 I sent him a cashiers check for $11,000.00
10-19-98 a cashiers check for $27,400.00
11-10-98 a cashiers check for $83,550.00 as the final payment for product bought in the Pez Color Wars. This is where the $471,950.00 figure comes from and as you see above from list of Pez dispensers bought & amounts paid $403,470.00 is accounted for. I know the other $68,000.00 was spent just can't find the records on it.
I also bought the rest of Joes Pez trucks from Joe & Dave sometime in the year of 2,000.
My absolute favorites of all the colors made in 1998 were Diablo, VooDoo Mama & Pals S, J & M. Hands down these were my favorites & the ones I was most proud of. I also thought Detys & Pinky were at the very least, funny.
My 3rd project was to be the following.
1,000 Black Spaceguns
1,000 Glow in dark Spaceguns
5,000 of 5 x 1,000 ea neon color spacegun
3,000 Black Snowman
I also had plans for glow in the dark trucks which Andre shopped to Joe n David G
4th planned project
Pez Pal Boy n Girl
Brown head, black hair
Glow in dark head. boy neon green hair, girl neon pink hair
$4.95 |
So here's a Dr Phil moment for you the reader. Pez Corp has a customer who is willing to & spends 1/2 million dollars in one year buying Pez dispensers from Pez Corp to resell. In doing so this customer also brings several unique innovations to that product. How does Pez corporation reward this customer? They do everything possible to destroy that investment. Call me stupid but this does not sound like good business practice.
After reviewing my records from 1998 I'm actually surprised that I only lost $250,000.00 when it was all done. I believe that because I was willing to take the hit & reacted quickly to the events as they unfolded. That I reduced a potential 1/2 million dollar loss by half. I'm with you in my disbelief on these numbers. To me now 10 years later these amounts seem huge & not believable. What can I say, my circumstances have changed a great deal and for that I have Pez Corp to thank.
In some ways this is a tale of warning to anyone who thinks going into business with Pez Corporation is a good idea. After all if 1/2 million dollars business in one year will not get you some respect from Pez Corp, nothing will. The only reasons that makes any sense to me is that because of greed & jealousy Pez Corp destroyed a new client that spent 1/2 million in one year on there product. All normal logic would make you think a company would kill to acquire a new corporate account of 1/2 million dollars.
The really ironic part of all of this is that before I tried to go legit by doing business directly with pez corp I earned over 4 million. After trying to go legit buying directly from Pez Corp, I lost everything & went $250,000.00 in debt. Those numbers alone should give you some indication of what kind of business partner Pez corporation can be. Who woulda thunk that doing business around the edges was better than partnering with Pez corp.
Kinda reminds me of the movies where a criminal tries to go legit. The criminal figures after handling business in a criminal world, that corporate types would be pussy cats. Only to find out Corporate types are more dishonest & less trustworthy than crooks. As with life I can't remember how these movies end.
To me in life we all do things that are bad, but there is bad & there is Bernard Madoff bad. When Pez Corp reproduced the product that in effect cost me 1/2 million dollars to buy from them. They knowingly destroyed that investment & it was obvious to everybody watching that, that was the intent. That investment was the result of & represented 20 years worth of work by me to achieve it. For me what Pez Corp did was Bernard Madoff bad.
When a company does something with the sole intent & net result being to wipe out the life savings of a person. Is that not why Bernard L. Madoff is in prison today. In my opinion there is no difference between what Pez Corp did to me in the Pez Color Wars & what Bernard L. Madoff did, except that Berny went to jail.
A funny side note here. Recently I was digging through my old taxes. Hunting for the receipts I was given for pez I bought in Europe in the 1990s. I also found my mid 1990s Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities Calculator. Funny part is. It still works, even if Old Berny doesn't.
I actually used my Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities Calculator to figure how much Pez Corporation took from me in FRAUD
Funny thing is years ago my main objection was that I was promised these pez dispensers were exclusive to me. With the passage of years my temper has mellowed, after all I only had faxes that stated these pez were exclusive to me from my broker. If all it had been about was someone breaking there word, like oopsie I fibbed I take it all back. Well maybe you could let that go, not me, but I'm saying maybe someone else could.
Now ten years later after reflecting, was the intent of the action of duplicating my 1/2 million dollar 1998 investment. The duplication had one purpose & only one purpose, it was created with the sole intent of destroying my 1/2 million dollar investment in Pez Corporation product. By doing so to also destroy a business that took me 20 years to build. You gotta be a pretty nasty customer to be able to live with that.
You have to be asking yourself. How can this guy say these things & not get in legal trouble with Pez Corp? The answer is easy. The statements are true, therefore not slander but simply a statement of fact.
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Funny story about Pez body part from this time period. The Funs (a chain of novelty & collectibles stores; Big fun, Uncle Fun & Sister Fun) which is how Mike Metros referred to them. Anyway the Funs also bought a container of Pez body parts from German Andre. While at the Raba in Hungary, I came down for breakfast one morning & had an urgent fax from Mike Mitros. In it he was asking if I could help, stating that the container of Pez body parts that the Funs had bought was hung up at a customs port of entry. I had made the whole process look so easy that the Funs thought anybody could do it. I can't remember what I told Mike, probably that they should hire a broker. I have no idea if they ever got that container cleared.
No I did not offer my broker to the Funs. No I did not share the customs number or any of the things I had learned or about which ports of entry were best. I'm kinda superstitious in this regard. I figured I only had so much luck in these matters & giving some of it away would not be wise. All by myself I was already running the string pretty thin.
Did you know that the original idea about Pez body parts was that they were like Pez Make A Face? This was actually said to me by Marcos & Ljuba (Ormoz Slovenia) in one of the hush hush talks we had. Marcos was all excited about this really big new project he referred to like Pez Make A Face. Obviously corporate thinking was Pez body parts were somehow a way to capitalize on the fact that Pez Make A Face was always said in books to be the Holy Grail of pez dispensers & at the time selling for 2 to $3,000.00 each.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda. Pez Boy & Pez Girl Black head. Actually any male or female Pez dispensers in every ethnicity. In 1998 the pez pal boy & pez pal girl with black heads was a planned project, but once word of Pez USA duplicating everything started. The project was scuttled.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda. More C class pez trucks. During 1998 I also had plans to make Pez Trucks all black & Pez trucks all glow in the dark. I believe as things started going south German Andre shopped this idea to Joe & Dave which resulted in what you know as Joe's Pez Trucks. You may also not know that Dave Gutterman was Joe's partner on these Pez trucks & the money man behind them. The reason I know this to be true is that Dave used his investment in CDs to fund this project & that after a year he wanted out. Resulting in me purchasing the remaining inventory of pez trucks from Joe & Dave at cost.
All time Fantasy. To have control of a Pez injection molding facility for 1 day ( 12 hours ) & get all the product created. Minimum of 10 injection molding machines. My selection of non licensed molds for pez heads & minimum of 20 colors of plastic pellets. I would create Pez dispenser HEADS ONLY. All the pez heads created within the 12 hours would remain as components (not assembled) for assembly by me later. Three days prior to select pez molds & plan the 12 hour run. Stems for pez heads would also be provided.
Since we all know I am not a shrinking violate I will also state the following. There would not have been any Bubble Boy release by Pez USA had I not sold 2 for approximately $1,000.00 each, causing Scott McWhinnie to wig out & other dealers to start selling there's. There would not have been Crystal pez dispensers at all if not for the Crystal Pez Project that was part of the Pez Color Wars. There would not have been color variation Pez Dispensers sold by Pez Corp & others in any significant quantities had it not been for my Black Santa Pez Dispensers & the Holiday Colors Pez Dispensers that were part of the Pez Color Wars.
Bubble Boy Pez Dispensers in all colors, Crystal Pez dispensers of all types & Color variation Pez Dispensers of all types in any significant quantity all are a direct result of the Pez Color Wars. So in effect all of these Pez Dispensers & those that followed are my children as they were born of this time. The Crystal & Color variation Pez Dispensers that have followed to this day are all born as a direct result of the Pez Color Wars. So they too are my children. None of this would have happened had it not been for the Pez Colors project, The Pez Crystals Project or the Pez Color Wars.
For the record, the name Crystal Pez Dispenser that you use to describe clear Pez heads in various colors is the name I gave the original 8 Crystals. Not just my idea but also my term as the title for this group of product. Yes I am not ashamed to toot my own horn. If I don't the facts will be lost.
I paid $6.00 each for the original 7,488 Crystal pez dispensers made to my specification of clear plastic heads. I believe $45,000.00 gives me the right to claim the idea & the name I gave them.
The following stats are to illustrate how the 11 years I sold Pez dispensers went.
These are the gross sales that can be documented with the tax returns for these years.
Pez Year #1 = $191,817.00 gross
Pez Year #2 = $291,902.00 gross
Pez Year #3 = $448,277.00 gross
Pez Year #4 = $754,069.00 gross
Pez Year #5 = $569,330.00 gross
Pez Year #6 = $426,163.00 gross
Pez Year #7 = $552,277.00 gross
Pez Year #8 = $412,758.00 gross
Pez Year #9 = $253,844.00 gross
Pez Year #10 = $331,459.00 gross
Pez Year #11 = $299,003.00 gross
This 11 year time frame represents once things were up & running, selling Pez through final closeout of the bulk of the remaining Pez inventory. These numbers were taken from the tax returns for each year. In Pez Year # 4 a couple of my employees actually received The 4th year was also the year my accountant called me & said, "Do you realize you are going to make $750,000.00 this year". It was all pretty crazy, going from $35,000.00 a year to Pez Money. I accomplished all this by seeing something, then throwing everything I had at achieving the goal. Remember I started with less than $3,000.00
You also would be safe in assuming that because I sold 4.5 million dollars in Pez over 11 years, that the amount of Pez I bought was closer to 2 million dollars. As my markup averaged 100%. My records on pez bought are not as good as gross sales, as about 1/2 of my buys were cash.
My deals with German Andre buying Pez dispensers alone totaled $471,950.00 in 1998. I also know that I spent over 1/2 million in cash on over 1/2 million Pez dispensers in mostly Hungary, approx 70 trips (Hungary, Slovenia & Austria) averaging $9,000.00 per trip on product. Hotels, flights & cars were usually paid by credit card. Which totals 1 million dollars spent on Pez between Germany/Austria & Hungary alone.
My company was devastated when Pez USA, Pez Austria & Haas duplicated most of the product I bought in 1998. I had told people this product was mine exclusively as that is what I had been told when I invested almost 1/2 million dollars. People who bought from me lost all trust in my word after this.
Problem is, even before the rumors that Pez USA was going to launch a website with my product, other rumors hurt sales. Months before Pez USA had people buy samples from me, to duplicate my product he started rumors that my Pez dispensers were fake. Richie should be able to provide more on this , as it was reported that Pez USA had stated my dispensers were not authorized or some such thing. Which led people to question if I was having dispensers made outside of Pez Corp.
I have no idea why, but this rumor seemed to pop up every time I acquired a bunch of Pez dispensers. I seemed to have to constantly assure people I did not have a factory that was churning out Pez dispensers. I never knew who was starting these rumors for sure. Though with the colors it was Pez USA, & I have a pretty good idea the King & his minions, the PezPolice started the other rumors. As at one point, one of his minions (a very well known person in Pez circles) returned a very large order saying that they were not real. These rumors were passed down the chain until people like the person who ran Pezamania were saying that I was making pez in my basement as almost fact to other collectors.
These rumors were a constant battle throughout the time I sold Pez. Though the one started by Pez USA that the Holiday colors were fake was the hardest one to dispel. If I remember right this rumor was even reported in the newsletter. If I'm wrong I will correct this.
Though once Pez USA decided to copy my product everybody realized it was real. It always puzzled me why most of the low end dispensers I found were almost always suspected. Yet massive quantities of much older dispensers never were. It might have something to do with who was starting all the rumors about my product being the same person who owned that massive quantity of older product. I also always wondered why his first thought when I found older dispensers was that they were being made for me. Why was this always the first & only way he thought it was possible that I could acquire older dispensers.
I believe I bought more Pez, Sold more Pez & spent more money on Pez in the 1990s than any other Pez dealer. Problem is I was totally independent & that nobody had a vested interest in my success. Only those who had an interest in my failure. So when my product was questioned there were very few strong voices to put the rumors down. The King though it seems has a never ending group of boosters. It would appear many have a vested interest in his continued success. The fact that an entire international corporation conspired to put my little enterprise out of business, yet ignores the Kings activities to me says it all. Ten years & I am Dead. Twenty years & counting, Long Live The King.
The second aspect of the color war was that for approx 3 years by default I ran Pez USA. The reason I say this is for 2 to 3 years most of what Pez USA did was in reaction to what I was doing. Examples: I sold Pez Bubble boy then after passing on him, Pez USA started selling Bubble boy. Canadian & Euro Pez dispenser were often different which I exploited to the max, so distribution networks & product distributed was changed. I created the Crystal pez dispenser concept & name, so Pez USA started selling Crystal Pez. I imported Body parts, so soon Pez USA imported body parts after initially saying no to them. I created the Color Project, soon Pez USA was selling the identical product. I imported Glow in the dark Ghosts after a year Pez USA imported Glow in the Dark Ghost. You might remember for the first year Pez USA Ghosts were a cream color, until they saw mine in Glow in the Dark. One year later there's were also Glow in the Dark.
Here is the big one. Pez USA executives always worried I was making more money on Pez than they were with my mail away program. Soon Pez USA had a mail away program, which by coincidence (not at all) sold initially all of these items I have just mentioned. The entire Pez USA mail away program was started with & in reaction to my product & mail away program. It actually went so far as Pez USA had people buy samples of my product, to copy exactly all of my pez dispensers from the Pez Crystals Project, the Pez Colors Project & the Glow in the Dark pez dispensers.
A few of my other responsibilities during the 3 years I ran Pez USA by default were. Product development, market testing for viability of new concept pez dispensers & the only significant advertising of Pez dispensers. Besides general promotion of pez by way of premiums, written materials & give aways. I performed my duties with great joy.
So by default because so much of what Pez USA did for about 3 years was as a direct result of what I did & the fact that for 3 years all of the innovations in Pez product were copies literally of my Pez dispensers. I feel very comfortable saying I ran Pez USA for 3 years. This control over the company also extended to at least two trips to Europe by Pez USA executives that were solely about my activities.
Over the years I have heard many times people say how cool it would be to run Pez USA. Let me tell you by default I did run Pez USA for 3 years & it was no fun at all. If I had made $250,000.00 for running Pez USA instead of losing $250,000.00, maybe then it would have been fun.
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Bad Pez Clown |
Follow sj glew @pezoutlaw on twitter.
Steve Glew (Pez Outlaw) on facebook
The only upside to the Pez Color Wars was the introduction of crystals, colors and glow in the dark dispensers to the hobby. These dispensers did not exist prior to my introduction of them during the Pez Color Wars. Last but not least Bubble Boy was an orphan only release after I released him. In the end, still a Pez Outlaw. I should have stuck to the plan.
Not in my wildest dreams while working in the shop, would I have imagined the adventure I was about to take. Yes in the end I did lose it all in the Pez Color Wars, but the adventure is not over. After all if it all had not happened, I would not have this story to tell and I love a good story. My hope is that writing this story and selling it on ebay is the actual end of the story. Even the act of writing the story and listing it on ebay for sale is beginning to be a story of its own.
Other Books By Pez Outlaw/sj glew
The Cereal Box Price Guide
Princess Puddy n The Golden Bowl
The Barrel Book
Used Dogs
PEZ | Pez Outlaw Diaries | Pez Price Guide PEZ
Pez. The 1/2 Million Dollar Fraud, PEZ Pez. A Story of Fraud, Dishonesty, Betrayal, Envy and Greed.
Pez Outlaw Diaries & Price Guide - Pez, The 1/2 Million Dollar Fraud?
PEZ | Pez Outlaw Diaries | Pez Price Guide PEZ
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