We are not here today because of what I'm about to freely admit to you. My sins are now public record. My point with Pez Outlaw Diary is to expose Pez Corporations Fraud and "Intent" by doing so to bankrupt me. Before you jump n I see ya, I could be a bank robber and Walmart would still not have the right to defraud me.
Somebody recently said "he never even met Scott McWhinnie". Yes that is true, But I bought n had my product manufactured by Pez Europe, the company that at the time owned Pez USA. So like Sherlock Holmes said "Do your Homework".
Finally to the Haters. I've been working this through my brain for 15 years, Do you you really think I don't have an answer for whatever you might think is a new approach to attack me.
The Black-Market Smuggling history of Pez
The Black-Market Smuggling history of Pez Collectibles is a rich & storied one. Embrace that history with me. It was fun & exciting. Half the Pez in collections today come from it.
Yes most of what I did traveling & buying Pez dispensers was technically illegal in those countries. I broke a lot of rules if not actual laws. Why do you think I was so secretive about everything? Why do you think I felt safe after 10 years had passed to write Pez Outlaw Diary? Statute of limitations laws, that's why. An awful lot of fact fudging & little lies were used to get things done. Laws & rules were rearranged if you will allow me to put it in a sunny light. Where do you think the whole Outlaw thing comes from, that I adhered to the straight & narrow?
What I did could not have been done by following the law. I am also well aware of the fact that a couple individuals I did business with in Europe were caught doing similar things & prosecuted. The nitty gritty of it all is that only each individual person I dealt with & myself know these things and only I know the overall picture. Besides it has been ten years & I no longer travel or buy pez dispensers. Also any possible evidence is long gone. Funny thing is, it was when I tried going legit, buying legally from Pez Austria in 1998 that things went south. The irony does not escape me.
Did all the money go to Pez corp, sometimes but it was rare. Did some steal the product, yes I believe they did. Most odd color variation in pez collections today did not have corporate approval to be sold. Even the black Santa Pez dispensers were technically stolen as pez corp did not & never would have allowed there release. So technically every pez color variation not mass produced for sale by pez corp is a stolen pez dispenser. As are many rare pez dispensers still sold today. When a guy makes a special Pez dispenser & sells it into the pez hobby it is a stolen item. When someone finds or found a group or boxes of no feet pez dispensers & sells them to pez dealers. Do you think pez corporate sanctioned it, not very likely. One individual high up maybe, but it was not a Haas decision so it was stolen.Pez corp has always been a funny company. Pez USA was owned by Pez Austria through a drop box for years & may still be. The company itself & to many high up people have been doing a lot of dicey things for about 20 years. So many people who operate pez injection molding machines, manage pez injection facilities, run pez warehouses, head pez division or at corp have done hinky things that nobody says anything. Top to bottom enough people have sold pez dispensers without full corporate approval that nobody wants to legally open that can of worms. Yes some small fish are fired or pursued, but not anyone who knows where the bodies are buried. So as long as they get there cut or can't say anything cause you are aware of there pez adventures. It is usually handled in different ways. As Scott was handle for becoming to powerful & hacking them off for also being one of the very few honest guys. As they handled the problem that was me.
The company itself has done some pretty dicey things. The heck you say. Well for example the original King Louie, Balloo, Mowgli, Dalmation, Pooh, Thumper, Chip, Wyle, Road Runner, Merlin & Dumbo Pez dispensers. The company quit production for America so they stopped paying royalties for the characters. What you may not know is when copyrights are not renewed a brief limited window exists for the remaining production to be sold. Well these Pez dispensers were sold for years in areas east of Austria, and years later I was sold some very fresh inventory of Dumbo & Road Runner Pez dispensers. That's why I say gray area, because technically items are stolen, but if the company does not legally pursue it. Legally it is not. That omission of action on there part is a passive approval or acknowledgment of the activity. So things are handled different ways.
For those of us who bought pez dispensers in this gray complicated world. It is figured we will keep the secrets because if we don't we will be cut off, no more soup for you. Cash is king part 1. Roughly 10 pez trips x $5,000.00 small trips in the beginning. For the other 60 pez trips $8,000.00 to $9,900.00 per trip. At the time under $10,000.00 cash was the amount you could carry, without having to declare it. It always had to be cash with Europe. The only reason I know this to be true is one guy actually kept records. He stated at a certain point that this was my 50th pez trip & this only represented pez trips to do business with him. I also had about as many pez trips to Canada buying Pez.
By the very nature of what I was doing, it would have been more of a surprise if everybody I dealt with had been upright & honest. Some were good honest people, like everybody in Slovenia. When I bought there, payment was made by deposite in the pez corporate account. I also paid cost in Slovenia per Pez dispenser .23 to .41 cents per, nobody was skimming. Only the first few pez trips to Hungary were cost. The Pez Dealer from Slovenia is a good guy, he bought most of his product from pez workers & owners after the production of pez dispensers was halted in Ormoz. The Austrian Queen seems to be ok also, but I fear for her because she has out of necessity to close a relationship with Gunther (say hi when you report this).
You see several factors work against honesty & good behavior. Always cash only cash, so it is a cash business with very few records kept. The huge amounts of cash we are talking about, over the aprox 20 years this has been going on it has to be millions & millions & millions. My contribution in the worldwide black market of pez dispensers alone was in excess of 3/4 Million dollars & depending how you look at it is roughly 2 million dollars. Example Canadian pez distributors were not supposed to sell to Americans, so a premium was paid & border crossings were tricky. Europeans were not supposed to sell Pez dispensers to Americans, so a premium was paid & border crossings were tricky. People who worked at factories were not supposed to remove or create special Pez dispensers from pez factories or pez warehouses, so a premium was paid. That so much money is involved does not draw the best of human nature out of people. Some people in Europe feel a degree of freedom from repercussions when creating or selling pez items to Americans. Large amounts of money tend to motivate people & skew facts.
For approx 10 years I worked in a very gray area, so of course a lot of , if not the majority of people I did pez business with had a loose relationship with honesty & truth. So of coarse a lot of the things or people I talk about are not going to sound the most positive or big surprise in the end it bit me in the butt. In my defense I wanted out of that factory/shop very bad. I worked with rolls of asbestos, while welding for over 20 years. I would have done almost anything to get out of there. So asbestos or working in a very gray area trying to take care of my family, not a really hard choice. So we come to why would I make what appears to be a nutty attempt at selling a book? Whatever it takes to take care of my family. You know Dave used to make comments occasionally when he thought I was behaving a little country or sappy. Well Dave that really is me.
Significant portion of any sizable Pez collection were illegally obtained.
Rare Pez dispenser color variations are usually the result of someone smuggling a dispenser Pez Corp never intended to be sold out of a factory. Sometimes created for that purpose. Reality being if Pez corp did not sanction the pez dispenser to be created or sold, it is stolen & technically illegal.
Massive amounts of Copyrighted Pez dispensers without a license for US importation & sale have been imported from Canada, Europe & elsewhere over the last 16 years. Pez dispensers smuggled into the US without copyright number easily several million over the last few decades.
An awful lot of no feet Pez dispensers found by workers in warehouses in the 1990s were smuggled out (stolen) of the warehouses by those people. I have first hand knowledge of over 50 instances of these types of thefts. Then sold sometimes in portions, other times in whole to dealers. Honestly where do you thing all that stuff without packaging really comes from?
My biggest mistake was deciding to do straight up business with Pez Corporation itself. I was better off on the outside, making them look like the Keystone Cops. Never trust honest money with people you were giving bribes for 10 years. That story never ends well.
I was way better off as a smuggler n Outlaw. Tryin to be honest n join the good old boys club was a massive mistake.
I smuggled roughly 1.5 milion pez dispensers into the USA from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia n Canada. Over 700,000 pez were hand carried by me personally between Europe and the USA.Technically Hungary was the paradise for smuggling, but the rest were user friendly. Hungary was very friendly to a getter done way of thinking, greased by cash. Which side of the law you were on was less important than the bribe to overlook that inconvenience in Hungary.
Below is a partial list of Pez I smuggled into the USA. turtles, nintendo, ET, Ghosts, crystals all sorts, Mr Bean, All New pez Pals (Alpine, Aral Gas, Shell Gas , Pilot Boys) w bp, All British Petroleum Boys n All Mariner boys, Pokemon, Rainbow Zoo, Zielpunkt, Crazy Animals, New Asterix series, New Garfieldw hats, Pink Panther, Tweenies, all MMM, pink yellow orange cab trucks Tom Jerry Spike Tyke Tuffy, Icee, BarneyBear, King Loui, Baloo, Mowgli, Dumbo, Merlin Mouse, Lil Wolf, Old Smurfs, Prac Pig, Boy n Girl Pals, Silver Glows, Road Runner, Thumpers, Old Dalmations, Droopy Dog, Petunia pig, Duck Tales, Wyle Coyotes, Goofies movable ears,pink bunnies, Old Winnie Pooh, smurfs 1, smurfs 2, and Bob the builder to name just some.
If you have these Pez Dispensers in your collection Odds are good if they are loose not carded that they came from me.
Buying Black Market Pez Dispensers as a Pez Outlaw was divided up into many aspects and each aspect had it's own rules for how it had to be done. Each phase had to be executed in a very specific manner to avoid "problems". Once I learned the rules. What to do, how to do it and what to avoid. It all became very routine. Nerve racking, but routine. Everything the same, every time, no deviation.
The structure or rules were not set up by me. Though once I realized the flaws in the structure, these flaws allowed me to operate within each of them.
The whole PEZ story is really about operating below the radar & exploiting a very large corporate loophole. Seeing something clearly that it appears nobody else can see or if they did see it for whatever reason did not exploit it to the max. Yes there were people doing what I did, but only on a very small scale. Until I came along, nobody had exploited the flaw in the system to its breaking point. * Which required trying to stay one step ahead of the game. Acquiring as many pez dispensers as possible, as fast as possible, before my personal profile as a pez dealer closed the window. Doing a very delicate dance with maintaining a cash flow to continue buying Pez dispensers & not becoming the biggest bulls eye out there to Scott.
In the end a rather impossible task & I stayed to long at the pez party. It proved impossible to keep a low profile while selling the amount of pez dispensers required to raise the cash to complete the pez project. If I had had the luxury of buying everything at once, then start selling. That would have been a different story. Unfortunately I had less than $3,000.00 to start the project with & I had to earn, to keep going. So the aspect of what I had to do was always in direct conflict with what I wanted to do. Maintaining a low profile became impossible & becoming #1 on Scotts hit parade, inevitable.
You may think I bought pez so I could sell it & make tons of money. Incorrect, I did not buy to sell, I sold so I could buy. The money was only a means to the end, which was having lots of something. At this point I wish it had been all about the money. Unfortunately I have an estranged relationship with money, in plain talk I do not value it as I should. Though a warehouse full of product, that I value. Being somewhat compulsive obsessive (a double & triple, lock or light switch checker) lots or better yet all of something is what gives me a rush of excitement. I actually have no use for one of something, but 1,000 of something now you have my attention.
Selling product is more of a validation that I was right about it all & not just nuts. This book is the same thing, if it sells, I was right & the only way to know is to try. When you spot something no one else can see, there are two possibilities. You are hallucinating again ( and none of us likes that), or you are a handsome & pretty smart fellow. The only real way of scoring is to complete the idea, sell it. If it fails you're an idiot, but if it works you are a genius.
Selling is also a game all of it's own, one that the creative side of me enjoys very much. In order to achieve that one individual sale, a mechanism must be created. Individual mechanisms & an overall mechanism. With this book mechanisms are being placed within it to further the possibility of a posative outcome. I spend weeks at a time configuring these mechanisms. The size or footprint of the overall mechanism is very important, as a large footprint is necessary to gain the visibility (visibility is key in all projects) essential to success. The individual sale.
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Zorro W/Logo Pez |
When money is scarce the project requires it be supplemented with work & creativity. Nothing is free, I have dedicated over 3 years so far to Pez Outlaw Diary, I intend to spend however many more years it takes. Every day I start out with, what can I do to make Pez Outlaw Diary more visible. Success requires dedication to the exclusion of almost everything else. That's the price, if you can't or won't pay it, it's not going to happen.
When you click one of the advert on this page, that is how I earn money for writing this.
I've been thinking a lot lately about Moral Equivalency. I think it may be the reason I did nothing when Pez Corporation first Breached the Implied Contract. I believe I did nothing because I felt I somehow had it coming after years of being a Pez Outlaw to Pez Corporation. It took 10 years of reflection to find my perspective. That and being financially & morally devastated.
What I have come to is this. If you are a bank robber or a car thief does that give say Walmart the right to cheat you if you come in there store to purchase something? Is it legal to hold up even a known thief at gunpoint? The answer is no in both cases.
Also to be clear. I bought from executives & warehouse managers. People empowered by Pez to do what they did. If Pez Corporation had a beef with my purchases they should have looked at there own corporate family values. I asked each. Do you want to sell? Here is money. I never stole any Pez, to the contrary all tolled I spent 2 million dollars buying Pez.
I may have been a Pez Outlaw but I was an honest Outlaw. I paid for everything I ever received. Besides even if I had stole the Pez, which I did not. One thing would have nothing to do with the other. Pez Corporation still would not have had the legal or moral right to commit FRAUD through Breach of Implied Contract with a client.
On the Smuggling. It was smuggling because I knew it was. Nobody except Pez USA had the legal contract to import Pez Dispensers. Unfortunately for Pez USA they were incompetent. They did not cross all the T's or dot all the I's. Leaving me way to many pathways for bringing Pez into the USA and that's generous. There were so many holes, it was like Swiss Cheese.
Again though. Pez Corporations incompetence did not give them the right to commit FRAUD through Breach of Implied Contract.
I had a lot of guilt about my business because it was built on navigating weakness, flaws & incompetence. I walked very close to the line & knew it. Which is why when Pez Corporation defrauded me I felt I somehow had it coming. It took Ten years for me to realize there is no Moral Equivalency.
Whatever I may or may not have done is not rational for a company to commit fraud on one of it's clients. Again Walmart would not have the right to cheat one of it's customers just because they knew the customer was a bank robber. There is no moral equivalency. One thing or action has nothing to do with the other. It's just rationalization of your behavior pez corp.
Pez Corporation has been hiding behind a rationalization of Moral Equivalency for over 12 years. Pez Corp you defrauded me out of my life's savings, $250,000.00.
Three things surprised me while writing Pez Outlaw Diary.
The first being that in 1998 buying pez for what became the Color Wars I spent $471,950.00 on Pez dispensers. The second surprise was that over an 11 year period of selling Pez I earned $4,530,899.00 in Gross Sales. Then lost it all in the Pez Color Wars. The third thing that surprised me when I realized it was. For approx 3 years by default I ran Pez USA. The reason I say this is for 2 to 3 years most of what Pez USA did was in direct response to what I was doing.
effects of one pivotal moment.
When life handed me my first pivotal choice, I said yes. I saw something & moved on it with everything I could muster. That first pivotal moment for me was in 1994 when I decided to start traveling to Europe buying Pez. Over 70 trips later the hobby had been changed, all hinging on that one decision to go. Decisions accompanied by actions impact events.
My second pivotal decision to go forward with the Holiday Colors also had a huge impact on myself & the Pez Hobby. This time, not so good.
The third big pivotal decision for me was when I decided to write Pez Outlaw Diary. Everybody told me. Don't write this, just let it go. How do you let something like this go, while you still have breath in your body? People still think I'm crazy to take on a major international corporation like Pez. What are they gonna do, destroy me? To late they already did that.
I'm very content with the decision I made to take on this fight. To be honest it would have been against my nature to otherwise.
All that said it is important to get back to my other point. Pez as a collectible up to about 1994 was not what it is today. Prior to 1994 it was an oddity at shows or wherever I tried selling it. At toy shows I'd put sets of pez out in long rows next to sets of Mcdonalds premiums only to have them just sit there on display. People bought the McDonalds & cereal premiums like crazy, but only commented on the Pez.
I remember one show on a hot summer day watching Pez stems curve from the heat with no real interest in Pez. Though the reality of where Pez was at that time, it also serves as an apt metaphor for where Pez was at as a Collectible. I had to promote the Hell out of Pez for it to become what it is today. This was done in the form of FREE STUFF. FREE Video tapes, FREE Pez Handbooks, FREE Pez Pins, FREE Pez Bags & FREE Pez Body Parts. Two to Four full page advertisements in collectible publications every month for years.
The most asked question I get is. What's the secret? Tell me your connections so I can do it. Once n for all I want to answer this. MONEY! I never had anyone I ever offered money at Pez Corporation turn it down. I had many times responses that the amount was not enough, but never a rejection. Gunther in the car at Mickey Ds not enough. The warehouse in Hungary, disappointment first trip that I only bought $3,000.00 worth. Constant haggling over .75 or $1.25.
Nobody I ever asked at Pez Corp refused a bribe, only the amount required. The Colors $10,000.00 to talk. Per trip amount required in Hungary approx $10,000.00. See the pattern, $10,000.00 was the trigger point for a bribe concerning Pez Corporation. So to all those who ask continuously, Money is the trick, $10,000.00 per bribe to be precise.
Yet people still ask.
Chris Catlin I need the connections...
Steve Glew people at Pez Corporation were so corrupt that all you had to do was show up n offer very large amounts of money. no trick. you just have to be standing in front of them with piles of money.
I know I make it sound simplistic, but really that's how I did it. I did not know anybody. I met them, handed them large amounts of money n off we went.
My guess is nothing has changed with the people who work for Pez Europe except possibly the amounts of money required. In the 1990s the trigger point was $10,000.00. Nowadays it might be that it takes $20,000.00 to get a no turned into a yes.
Just don't try to do it honestly in the open. My point here is this. Recently I offered $300,000.00 for a group of pez, my mistake was openly offering it to Pez as a Corporation. This offer would have been to pay $1.00 each for a production of pez that normally sell to anybody else for at most $.50 each. In effect I offered double to triple per dispenser. My mistake was I offered it to Pez Corporation entirely above board. Big mistake, to work the offer needed to be made to an individual or entity like Van Melles, which is the way it must be done. If somebody at Pez Corp can't skim off some for themselves then it just aint gonna happen.
With Pez Corporation never make the mistake of thinking you are dealing with an honorable company. Don't believe me, read the rest of the book.
Steve Glew Chris I'm gonna say somethin hard to hear as a friend. You want it, don't keep askin like there's some easy way. there isn't. there's only the hard way. It take somebody younger than me, I spent my youth doin it. You want it, go get it.
Steve Glew Example I spent over 10 years time effort n money doin the pez thing. I don't get those 10 productive young years back. On Outlaw I've spent 10 years. There are no shortcuts, nobody can hand you answers, there is no easy way n most certainly there are no guarantees. There is only the doin with an uncertain outcome. You do it because you have no choice, you must.
One final comment on.
Chris Catlin I need the connections...
Chris I never lived in that world. That is David Welch n John Laspina's world. The world of connections contacts n who knows who. I bribed people, I did not make friends or contacts. I BRIBED PEOPLE TO GET WHAT I WANTED. n no chris I do not want nor will I take your money. Ok are we done with that now once n for all. What I want you can not give me, you have not got it. You wanna give people money for contacts, talk to people who live in that world.
Chris don't take it personal. I used your comment to address a broader audience. You are not the only person mentioning this.
On that note here are my rules about the doin.
Rule #1. You must believe in your project with every fiber of your being. Your project is a success, all you need to do is the work.
Rule #2. For your project to be a success, the project must be the thing that excites you. The project needs to be your idea of fun.
Rule #3. When you take on or start a project, you must hit it, hit it hit it. Do not let up. Push it until it almost breaks, then push some more. You need to be relentless. Never give up, never give in.
Rule #4. Open your eyes to the possibility that what you think you were doing, is actually not what you were doing. Projects evolve, you must be able to recognize the change, be open to it. Example, I'm beginning to believe this whole outlaw project was just warmup for the Cereal project.
Cereal Box Price Guide
Rule #5. Turn your deficits into assets. Poor no money, Ah but you have time, use it. Obsessive compulsive, a unique ability to focus like a laser on a project. etc.
Rule #6. Do not allow other peoples opinions of what you are doing to hold you back. You are a unique individual, that uniqueness may be your biggest asset. Try to be like everybody else, to fit in, seek & gain the approval of others, is a one way ticket to mediocrity.
Rule #7. Do things the way you like to do them. Try mimicking others or forcing yourself into habits or patterns that you find unnatural/foreign & you will not succeed. It's your project, from the beginning do it the way you like, otherwise you might as well be working for someone else.
Rule #8. Any project requires a great deal of effort, years & years of tedious work. Day after day, year after year of having faith in yourself. People are gonna think you are nuts. You must believe in yourself before anyone else can possibly believe in you or your project.
Rule #9. You need to hear what others are saying, yet not let it affect your resolve. Criticism is only to test your resolve. Be open to critique that helps the project, but do not let it stop the project.
Rule #10. Trust yourself. If you are wrong you can change it later. Second guessing yourself will only slow progress & kill the uniqueness of your project.
Rule #11. Don't be fragile. If a few harsh words are gonna curl you up with a blankey, you are doomed. Thick skin is required. To be perfectly frank, you need to not give a hoot in hell what other people think of what you are doing. Care about what you think about what you are doing.
Rule #12. Do not gage the success of your project by the big picture. You need to find small wins along the way. This is going to take a long time. 10 years is nothin.
Rule #13. You are only crazy if you think you are crazy, other than that it's the rest of the world that is goofy. "Normal speak", march to your own drummer. Rule #13.2 Never ask someone else if they think you are crazy. BIG, BIG MISTAKE.
We All Have Skeletons in Our Closets.
Over half of the worlds population is non white, yet the only Santa Pez Corporation will release is White. I know it's impolite to ask but, approximately 75 years ago Pez Corporation were you forced or did you volunteer?
History is important when trying to understand how or why someone or a company feels comfortable behaving the way they do. My company was intentionally destroyed by Pez USA with assistance and indifference by Pez Austria. Indifference, went along to get along in a scheme any fare minded person would have said no to. So bringing up indifference 75 years ago gives you insight. Internally a person or a Corporation should know right from wrong and know when to say no. Destroying a clients purchase from you should have been an easy call.
Someone in Hungary once said to me. 75 years ago we picked the wrong side, I hope this time (the Iraq War) we picked better. AustroHungary was a single country at one point in the 20th century. I'm just saying, makes you scratch your head and not in a good way.
There are just so many areas that Pez Corporation should know better without being told. The FRAUD perpetrate on me by Pez Corporation is only one of them.
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Make me a liar Pez Corporation, release a Black Santa Pez Dispenser in mas production for general over the counter distribution. I've made this claim n offer many many times. Pez Corporation has never decided to call me on it.
Marcos from Slovenia is the father of the Black Santa Pez Dispenser. Marcos was very, very proud of this dispenser & puzzled why Pez Corporation rejected the idea. You see Marcos was there pez test shot guy & pez experimenter in chief.
Marcos loved his work. He took us to a cabinet which housed there pez collection. I later gave him a pez space gun & a pez shooter for there collection. Most facilities had a pez collection of one sort or another. In Ljubliana it was different pez dispensers on a beam around the top of the a room in the warehouse. Seeing the pez collection one piece jumped out at me, it was a black Santa Pez dispensers. Like I said Marcos loved his work, he was a very enthusiastic guy when it came to testing pez colors. Josh & I went nuts you'd think we had just seen an alien. We were told he had made a small run of these Pez dispensers because he thought the company ought to do this. Austria had decided, saying it was to controversial to produce. COKO PEZ an African caricature on the box for chocolate pez candy was ok, but a black Santa Pez dispensers was to controversial. This would be big news to approximately 20% of the population in America for whom Santa is actually black. In my opinion Marcos was correct.
Black Santa is probably the most historic Pez Dispenser ever made by Pez without corporate approval. Reason being Pez Corporation was scared to death of him. Black Santa was very taboo, way to controversial to exist or do as a Pez Dispenser. For these historical reasons I believe my Black Santas are the rarest & most desirable Pez that exist. There were 3 different versions of my Black Santas. I know the politically correct answer to rarest is Make-A-Face. I disagree. Black Santa is rarest Pez as it was never meant to exist. Like Bubble boy, it was an in house rejection. Unlike Bubble Boy he was never mass produced. Make-A-Face was mass produced. Even Owl MMM was produced in larger numbers than Black Santa.
Let me restate, Black Santa was an actual proposed dispenser to Pez Austria. The first group of Black Santas are actually prototypes.
Black Santa was rejected by Pez Corporation because of racial prejudice. Some of this was Austrian Pez Corporate Racism, some was an interpretation of perceived racism by Pez Austria about the USA. So Black Santa was deemed to offensive by Pez Corporation as a whole to be a Pez Dispenser.
There is one other area of Pez Dispensers that has always bothered me. Generic Boy & Girl Pez Dispensers of various types. Why in Gods name haven't Black children, Asian Children or Hispanic Children ever been allowed the possibility of buying a Pez Dispenser that actually looks like them?
Pez Corporation. By the very nature of the product you produce, you market to children. Yet you refuse to make those very children feel good about themselves with the very product you want to sell them. Ethnic identification is very important to a child. Marketing only white children in Pez Dispensers tells children of other ethnicity's that they are not important enough to be represented.
Pez Corporation it is well past time for you to let go of old racial biases. You do realize you are offending at a bare minimum 25% of your potential market in America. Not to mention South America, Mexico, Africa, Asia & the Middle East.
The picture below is a drawing of the image used on the top of chocolate pez display boxes in Hungary in the early 1990s.
Like I said the above image of COKO PEZ an African caricature on the box for chocolate pez candy was ok, but a black Santa Pez dispensers was to controversial. I believe the rational was African caricature as mascot for chocolate Pez ok, but a black person as an icon no way.
This type of forgive me Sambo image was not acceptable any more. In the early 1990s the Coko Pez image was absolutely considered acceptable by Pez Europe for Eastern Europe.
Below is an Actual 1970 Pez advertisement. Only Pez Corporation would approve an idea to sell Donald Duck Pez with BOOBs & Nudity.
If google says that the below advert by Pez Corporation is pornography & they did. It must be pornography. It would appear Pez Corporation intended the use of Pornography to sell Donald Duck Pez.
I had to add a picture before this one in chapter 1 because google was calling the picture below of the Pez Advert Pornography. Which meant posting from this chapter violated Googles pornography policy for google+. Posts feature first photo. |
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The Sex. Actual 1970 Pez advertisement Only Pez Corporation would approve an idea to sell Donald Duck Pez with BOOBs & Nudity. |
Other Books By Pez Outlaw/sj glew
The Cereal Box Price Guide
Princess Puddy n The Golden Bowl
The Barrel Book
Used Dogs
The Cereal Box Price Guide
Princess Puddy n The Golden Bowl
The Barrel Book
Used Dogs
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